Category: English

The Chaos – Gerard Nolst Trenité (1922)

Dearest creature in creation Studying English pronunciation, I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse. I will keep you, Susy, busy, Make your head with heat grow dizzy; Tear in eye, your dress you’ll tear; Queer, fair seer, hear my prayer. Pray, console your loving poet, Make my coat …

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New words: welcome or resist them?

This BBC Viewpoint article examines the responses new technology terms receive as they creep (or burst) into everyday English.

Dynamic language

The frequency with which each English letter appears in written language changes over time. Some are suggesting that the point values in Scrabble should change because certain letters like Z and Q are more common than they used to be. The BBC New Magazine explains.

Imported English

BBC News takes a look at the appearance of British terms and phrases from American mouths, pens, and keyboards: Britishisms and the Britishisation of American English