Tag: words

The return of pictograms

A fascinating look at the history and use of emoji, by Adam Sterbergh for New York Magazine: http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2014/11/emojis-rapid-evolution.html    

Ten better ways to say: yummy

Now that the summer heat has faded, I have more energy to concoct things in the kitchen. I hope a few of my efforts will be worthy of these adjectives. 1. scrumptious 2. delectable 3. toothsome 4. ambrosial 5. mouthwatering 6. tantalizing 7. divine 8. fit for a king 9. to die for 10. choice …

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Ten better ways to say: angry

Really angry? Really, really angry? We can do better than that. livid fuming hopping mad waxing wroth exacerbated nettled boiling beside oneself incensed spitting nails

New words: welcome or resist them?

This BBC Viewpoint article examines the responses new technology terms receive as they creep (or burst) into everyday English.


He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met. -Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865)