Tag: sign

Street typography video

I always thought the lettering in traffic lanes was done with stencils or pre-made adhesives. Here’s an amazing look at artists at work! http://designtaxi.com/news/365002/Street-Typography-A-Perfect-Bus-Stop-Sign-Painted-Free-Hand-By-2-Craftsmen/?interstital_shown=1

The most unique

On vacation last month, I saw this tour bus. It illustrates a common problem with unique. According to Merriam-Webster, unique means sole or unequaled. A item either is unique, or it isn’t — there aren’t degrees to which an oil painting can be sole or unequaled, nor can a Halloween costume be more or less …

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Your and You’re

David and I had dinner in Stephenville, Texas last week and saw this sign in the parking lot. Sometimes mistakes are so big that you literally must take a step back to see them! Use you’re only as a contraction of you are: you’re late for breakfast, you’re angry with Lucinda, you’re only as good …

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